Why you need a massage hammer

Calling all overly stressed people. I’ve got the solution to de-stressing in 10 minutes. To be sincere, when I saw the pack of this massage hammer, I thought it was a toilet handle(dumb me). I never really opened it till last month.

First and foremost, it was so pretty and sleek looking. Then I tried it on my skin, my neck and back to be precise, you bet I never stopped using it. Bottom line is…it works.

Why I use it?

Better sleep: I was dealing with insomnia. Found it really hard to fall asleep. Anytime I useit (with the help of my sister), I fall asleep easily.

Eases muscle pain: if you have a particular muscle or part of the body that’s aching. This is your sure bet home remedy. It relieves you of an pain instantly and aids in better circulation of blood.

Relieves stress:this is the perfect stress reliever. Better still, it can be done at home and it’s very handy. A little bit heavy I think (everything is heavy for me…it probably isnt) 

Other reasons to use it:

Improves energy, helps with arthritis, cervical vertebra pain and lots more.

How to use

My hack when using this is…i oil my skin with coconut oil. I noticed it gives maximum effect. You can use any oil you prefer.

The device is electrical…so you’ll have to plug it to a switch.  It has a speed button, so you can adjust preferably to which speed level you want.

You shouldn’t use it for more than 15 minutes. I’m guessing this might be because of its infra-red ray ability. 15 minutes is even too long. You’ll get it done in less.

Have you tried using a massage hammer?How’d it feel? Let me know in the comment section.

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