Is your love compatible?

While lecturing, my Entomology teacher talked about a couple who came to her clinic to have their blood test taken. After carrying out the tests, their blood group was compatible. Yay!! Everything in order, just one last thing: the gentleman was HIV positive and the lady wasn’t. Though the couple already knew this. The lady begged for her report to be manipulated to read HIV positive too. Her judgement was already clouded because she was so deep in love already.

So often we hear about couples being asked to go take bloodtests. Do you know your genotype? Are you two compatible? You’re wondering, what exactly is this genotype thing.

Genotype is simply a collection of genes passed from parents to the children. There are 3 major groups: AA, AS, SS.

AA individuals can marry anyone. It’s even advised for AA individuals to marry AS individuals to eradicate the likelihood of SS in the society.

AS and AS individuals getting married is also risky because an SS child could be born.

SS and SS individuals shouldn’t even think about it. It’s a very risky situation. SS is an abnormal trait.

The need to know your genotype before marriage cannot be over emphasized. Couples are advised to know their genotypes at the early stage of their relationship before they become deeply rooted in love.

Are you willing to give birth to an SS child? In all honesty, you’ll only be subjecting that innocent child to so much pain and agony.

In as much as there’s now an ongoing stem cell research/cure, I believe prevention is better than cure.

I hope we all find a love that’s compatible for us and help create an SS-free world.

Till next time…