3 Exclusive things I learnt at the National Youth Summit

DSC05203 (2).JPG#National youth summit is a platform that promotes youth participation in leadership and National development. It was hosted by the Golden Heart Foundation. This was the second time i was hearing about the event and decided to know what all the hype was about.

I got my ticket online. It was a very smooth process. It was a 3-day programme but i missed the first day.*sigh*I’m very keen when it comes to time but i remember not checking the time till the programme was over. I was so engrossed. There was so much knowledge flowing everywhere .Honestly, it was a very interesting and enlightening conference plus i saw long lost friends. I don’t regret any bit of it. I learnt a truck-load of things but these three stuck like glue. I hope it helps someone.

1. 3CV: Character, Competence, Chemistry and Vision by GORI DANIEL

Vision usually comes first. What do you want to do? Where do you see yourself in a couple of years? Answer that. VISUALIZE. Vision is what allows you to be disciplined. Next comes Character. You have to be honest, diligent and trustworthy. Your character tells a lot about you at first look. Be that person that you would like to work with. Let your character do the talking. Then, Competence. You should be able to demonstrate the skills required for execution. Gain more knowledge(you can never have enough), practice and develop your skills. Lastly, Chemistry. You should be passionate about whatever it is that you want to do.DSC05185 (2).jpg

2. Take Responsibility by LAWRENCE ONOCHIE

How frequently do you claim that others have determined what you are today? Accepting responsibility means you are solely in charge of the choices you make in your life. Not feeling sorry for the ‘bad luck’ you have been handed but taking hold of your life and giving it direction and reason. Developing strategic plans for your life and taking relevant and consistent action towards actualizing your goals.

3.Manage your greed by Ex Gov. PETER OBI

The reason why our country isn’t growing is because everyone wants to attain only individual wealth. Individual wealth impoverishes everyone but public wealth enriches everyone. Manage that greed and help people around you. When people grow through you, you grow much more(like enlightened selfishness, who remembers?). I talked about in my previous post.

The aim shouldn’t be success only. Why settle for success, when you can be significant? Don’t settle!!

We should try to live by these principles. I’m trying to. Do your own part.

A red-letter Sunday

Growing up, i always looked forward to Sundays so i could put on my favorite clothes and sing with the choir.There was also the 3 pm Sunday school service. It gave me so much joy.

I have to confess…i haven’t been to church for some time now. In my head, i had a little disagreement with God but we’re good now.DSC05149 (2).jpg

A friend of mine recently had a near-death experience and decided to rededicate her love and life. So, its 22nd October and the time is 8 am. Service is by 9 am and i’m just waking up. Bummer! I feel overwhelmed already. I hurriedly shower and put on some make-up(in 5 minutes, can you beat that?) and rush to church. On getting to church around 10, i see my fellow late-comers, and instantly felt slight joy, just for a little moment before the feeling of guilt took over but hey, i showed up, which is all that matters.

As i watched the congregation recite their anthem and other Catholic creeds that i know nothing of, i realize how selfish I’ve been towards God. I see people on wheelchairs happily singing with much enthusiasm. That very moment was the epiphany. Everything became clear to me.

It’s time for us to flit or dance to the altar. I don’t think anyone danced though. It was more of catwalking but we were all smiling. The Priest says a little prayer and sprays the Holy water (i’m guessing, i’m really not sure of what he sprayed). We make the sign of the Cross and march back to our seats while people stare. Why do people stare?

Here’s why this day is of great importance to me:

I realized(for the 100th time) how amazing my life has been and still is. No sickness in a couple of years. Food to eat every single day. Legs to walk. Eyes to take in all the beautiful and ugly scenery and lots more.

Look around. There’s something to be grateful for. What are you grateful for? Share with me in the comment section. Don’t forget to like and follow and stay connected.



1508531885879if you truly loved yourself, you would never hurt another -Buddha

This is by far my favourite phrase, maybe only because it sounds creatively intellectual.

Enlightened selfishness is basically making people happy for you to be happier. Intellectually selfish. That’s how it works. Working for the greater good which leaves you feeling satisfied with yourself. Being truly happy and at peace with who you are so that in turn, your energy and vibe flows and affects anyone around you.

It is an attitude. No! It is “THE ATTITUDE”. Practice this and I guarantee you would be happy for a very long time. Make someone happy=you are happier=you make more people happy and the world is a happy place. Wouldn’t you want the universe to be a happy place?😉 You can’t offer anyone anything if you aren’t in full control of yourself (feelings and all)

Relating this to me, I take life a bit too serious. I rarely catch up with friends and I can’t remember the last time I spoilt myself. I was not as happy as I’d have loved to be which meant, if you met up with me, you probably won’t leave happier (maybe even sadder😓). So lately, I’ve been incorporating this attitude in my life and guess what? I’m a lot happier 😃now. Spiced up my life a bit, just a bit (old habits for hard😂) and indulged in those guilty pleasures I’ve been missing out.

Enlightened selfishness is also related to the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When you are happy with yourself, the person that you’re relating with tends to be happy too and this brings greater happiness. Happiness is contagious.

Show yourself some love, YOLO!!! Make this life your best. Just go with the flow. Do whatever makes you happy.

Let enlightened selfishness be your shmood😎 forever.

Do you think this is still low-key selfishness 😂?Let me know your opinions on this. Share in the comment section.


Hi…I’m Chidera Okoli but everyone calls me pinkhy ( emphasis on the ‘ h ‘ ), hence the title. I can’t categorize myself because I’m at the two extremes. I can be really quiet and really noisy.

I’m an organized freak. I’ll organize anything, from wardrobes to refrigerators. Organizing is my stress reliever😂. Weird right? I need help.

I start my day with hot tea🍵. Always! I’m not a foodie but I like having something that I can snack on. In the last five years, I’ve only gained 4kg.😩How crazy is that?

Bare – faced gang. I love makeup but I love my bare face better. Maybe just with a hint of lip gloss and tinted moisturizer 😎😎Snapchat-6050583949968746609.jpg

I’m a very good listener and my favourite song is open space by housefires.

I like to balter💃 every now and then and I always get butterflies in my stomach exactly a month to my birthday. Always!!

I started this blog to share my experiences, feelings, pictures and lots more. Hope you enjoyed this post. Follow and subscribe to stay tuned to my world❤❤