My Time Management Hack

DSC05220 (2).jpg Hey guys!!! How’s November been so far? I hope its been good. This month makes me feel all kinds of good(if you know, you know)

Anyways, till this very day, i haven’t figured out why i wasn’t appointed the time prefect in high school. Timing is my thing. I am always on time and if i’m late its only cause the occasion isn’t really important to me. I don’t know why but i’m always thinking of what i’m going to do next. I like being organized. Even on those days when you wake up really late, when you remember that you have your schedule ready, you don’t feel too overwhelmed. There’s this feeling of relief. So i have a few easy tips on how i’m always prepared(like a boyscout) for every second of my day.

Create a daily plan: Honestly, this is the ultimate hack. I usually always have a pile of sticky notes or a little book  with me. During the day, once i remember something that i have to do, i write it down but i noticed that a few times i forget to go through my bag and sometimes i might forget to perform a task so i started using my phone. I use the samsung planner app on my phone. I type in everything i need to do and because i’m always on my phone, i’m always on schedule. It doesn’t have to be at night, you can plan at any time tat suits you but having an static time helps. It becomes more like a routine and routines are golden. If you don’t have a planner on your phone, you could download a planner app or even use your calendar.DSC05226 (2).jpg

Time box: It doesn’t just stop at making a to-do list. Add a time limit for each task. When you set time limits to your tasks, you tend to achieve more. Most times when i’m setting my time limit, i usually add an additional 15 minutes, just to tighten all loose ends. So instead of putting wake up at 6am, make it 6-6:15am. Its more efficient.

Act smart: Lets say you have two courses you want to study. One is easy and the other, hard. Don’t start with the hard one because the possibilities are, you may end up not being able to complete the hard one and also not being able to go through the easier one. Its a lose-lose situation. Act smarter. Start with the easier one.

Most people say that waking up early helps but i feel like it depends on when your day starts. If your typical day starts at 2pm, why would you rush to wake up by 6am? Know yourself, trust your plan and be focused. I really really hope you apply these tips.

Do you have any plan you follow thats been helping you? I’d really love to know.

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